Education & Training

Education and training resources that support approaches to ageing well and maximising independence.

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Wellness Workbook for Savvy Seniors

This workbook is designed to help you think about your own wellness – what you already do (your daily routines, habits and valued life roles and activities), what else you can do or learn to do, and what type of.....view more

- Northern Collaborative Project and Northern Community Seniors Ambassadors (1/10/2019)

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Real Care The Second Time Round – About Me (For Forgotten Australians/Care Leavers)

A group known as Forgotten Australians has been identified as having many challenges as they face the possibility of aged care. Forgotten Australians represent the 500,000 children that were placed into institutional and out-of-home care in Australia in the last.....view more

- Meg Schwarz, Project Officer, Helping Hand Aged Care (01/05/2021)

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Compiled by a team of dedicated professionals, KeepAble is an online collaborative hub for practical content that supports home and community care providers (including CHSP) to deliver wellness and reablement approaches. These insights and ideas aim to assist providers to.....view more

- Independent Living Assessment (ILA) Inc. (01/01/2021)

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Trauma Training – Working with aged care clients who experienced childhood trauma in ‘care’

The on-line course is an introduction to understanding the impacts of childhood trauma for people now entering aged care. It focuses on the experiences of Forgotten Australians, Stolen Generations, Former Child Migrants and people affected by forced adoption. The self-paced.....view more

- Helping Hand (2021)

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